We Get Results!

A few of our favorite accomplishments:

#1 Ending Sexism – Against ALL Women!

We were the first women’s group to defend both Democratic and Republican women. We also called on others to do the same:

Since that time, we’ve spoken out to defend scores of women leaders in politics, public service, the media and corporate America. Resulting, in many cases, in apologies from sexist offenders!

#2 ‘Senator Slasher’ Expelled!

He didn’t get away with it!

When a NYS Senator slashed his girlfriend’s face, we brought the story to the national media. We then formed a coalition of women’s groups and women leaders to demand Senator Hiram Monserrate be expelled. He was! One activist noted: The New Agenda has put the spine back in the women’s movement!

#3 Protecting our Girls

We mobilized our members to take action when the American Association of Pediatrics (“AAP”) condoned genital circumcision on our shores. We called. We emailed. We did it! The AAP reversed its decision.

We also joined a national coalition to raise awareness of and reduce teen dating violence led by Liz Claiborne. We participated in an all day radio show, It’s Time to Talk Day, as well as other media appearances:

WOR 710 – News Talk Radio

Amy Siskind discusses teen dating violence and Chris Brown/Rihanna on the The Joan Hamburg Show.

Amy Siskind on the Joan Hamburg Show

#4 A New Video Series

We launched a video series, Searching for Sexism, to help raise awareness and educate the public on sexism.

#5 Go-To Voice in the Media!

We are a sought out expert on issues impacting women and girls. We have appeared on CNN, FOX News, CNBC, PBS, NPR and Marketplace Radio; and been quoted in The LA Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, POLITICO, U.S. News & World Report, Guardian UK, The Boston Globe, Forbes and The Hill. We are also frequent contributors to The Huffington Post, The Daily Beast and The Daily Caller.

#6 Gender Representation

We are an outspoken advocate for getting more women into leadership positions in the government, the media, academia and corporate America.